Broker Forex Informer

Trade Bank

16.10 | ,

The first strategy is a trade bank of TBST. This strategy is actually easy to understand with a record you have to memorize and understand all frameworks
This framework is the foundation for you to start to understand the strategy TBST. I'm still trying to memorize all that framework embedded in my brain
ok .. I started what framework you should memorize and understand, I'll try to give an example of such an image so that you can digest this framework

1. shape Market
a. Straight evenly / sea calm
b. form of 'u' is the trick market
c. form of 'n' is the trick market
d. ascending form (buy (b) buy (b) buy (b) buy (b)) and decrease (sell (s), sell (s), sell (s), sell (s))

2. Market risk
a. form long shadow (shadow sizes over 20) before the market open london
b. no repair market before the market open london

3. Hours Bank Sign Market
london market: 2,3,4 (GM +7)
American market: 7,8,9 (GM +7)

4. candle size banks
greater than or equal to 32 if the sideway size less than 20
greater than or equal to 42 if the sideway size more than 20

5. sideway market
a. market volume is less than 50
b. sideway at least 3 hours, preferably more than 4 hours
c. wajin there is one candle buy or sell

6. horizontal line
measure the strength of the previous candle candle bank, at least 4 hours before candle bank

7. Market Cancel
a. Bbbb market or ssss shape suddenly there large candle (candle not a bank)
b. candle close banks in the zone a maximum of 80
c. market forms uniformly straight, suddenly at 10 pm (GMT +7) candle bank appears
d. candel sizes too big banks more than 80
e. There candel size more than 50 before the market open london
f. tokyo market form of ascending or descending for 4 hours and volume sizes over 80

8. Take Profit
a. one hour after the bank candel
b. after candel large (the size of more than 40 better still over 50)

9. trading problem
a. doji sizes 0,1,2,3
b. market reverse 1 or 2 hours

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